
Teuton’s Treaty Creek Property is 800 metres Northeast of Seabridge Gold’s New Iron Cap Gold-Copper Deposit

Teuton’s Treaty Creek Property is 800 metres Northeast of Seabridge Gold’s New Iron Cap Gold-Copper Deposit Teuton Resources Corp. (“Teuton”) (“TUO”-TSX-V) (“TFE”-Frankfurt) is pleased to announce that its Treaty Creek property lies just 800m northeast and along trend of the new Iron Cap gold-copper deposit of Seabridge Gold, located in...

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Drilling Results from Harry Property

Teuton Resources Corp. (“Teuton”) (“TUO”-TSX-V) (“TFE”-Frankfurt) announces that it has received drilling results from the Harry property, located just below the Granduc mining road and 26km north of Stewart, BC. Four holes were drilled of which two returned significant results as follows: Drill Hole From (metres) To (metres) Interval(metres) Gold...

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Teuton Sues American Creek over Treaty Creek Property

Teuton Resources Corp. (“Teuton”) (“TUO”-TSX-V) (“TFE”-Frankfurt) announces that it has commenced legal proceedings as plaintiff against American Creek Resources Ltd. as defendant, concerning the Treaty Creek property located north of Stewart, British Columbia. The plaintiff and defendant entered into an agreement in writing with respect to the Treaty Creek property...

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Geophysical Survey Detects Intrusive Bodies at Teuton’s Yellow Chris and Red Chris South Properties

Teuton Resources Corp. (“Teuton”) (“TUO”) is pleased to announce that it has received preliminary results from the airborne survey flown over its Yellow Chris and Red Chris South properties, located north and south respectively of the Imperial Metals’ Red Chris property southeast of Iskut, BC. On the Yellow Chris property...

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Teuton Farms Out Lord Nelson Claims

Teuton Resources Corp. (“Teuton”) (“TUO”-TSX-V) (“TFE”-Frankfurt) is pleased to announce that it has farmed out its Lord Nelson 1-5 claims, located in the Stewart region of northwestern British Columbia, to Geofine Exploration Consultants Ltd. (“GFX”). The Lord Nelson claims lie between the Poly property of GFX (under option to Frontline...

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Hole #7 Cuts 2.50 Metres of 66.58 g/t Gold at Clone Property

Teuton Resources Corp. (“Teuton”) (“TUO”) and Silver Grail Resources Ltd. (“SVG”) are pleased to announce that results have been received for the remaining 14 holes of the 2010 program on the Clone property, located southeast of Stewart, BC. Holes 3 to 10 were drilled at the southeastern end of the...

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Drilling on Harry Property

Teuton Resources Corp. (“Teuton”) (“TUO”) is pleased to announce that drilling has commenced on its Harry property, located some 25km north of Stewart, British Columbia. The Harry property lies along the Salmon Glacier, covering an extensive gossanous area cut by the old Granduc mining road. Talus fine and prospecting samples...

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Teuton Begins Airborne Survey on Red Chris Area Claims

euton Resources Corp. (“Teuton”) (“TUO”-TSX-V) (“TFE”-Frankfurt) is pleased to announce that an airborne geophysical survey has begun on its two Red Chris area properties located in northwestern British Columbia. The helicopter-borne survey employs Geo tech proprietary VTEM technology, an electromagenetic system known for its depth penetration. A larger survey is...

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Hole #1 Cuts 11.58 Metres of 5.98 g/t Gold at Clone Property

Teuton Resources Corp. (“Teuton”) (“TUO”) and Silver Grail Resources Ltd. (“SVG”) are pleased to announce that results have been received for the first two holes of the 2010 program on the Clone property, located southeast of Stewart, BC. These holes were drilled at the southeastern end of the high-grade zone...

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Drilling Results from Tennyson

Teuton Resources Corp. (“Teuton”) (“TUO”) is pleased to announce that complete results have now been received for the 2010 drilling program on the Company’s wholly-owned Tennyson property, located 6km due west of the former Granduc Mine millsite and 50km by road north of Stewart, BC. Altogether 11 holes were drilled....

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