2021 Drill Core Photos - Swann Zone
The Harry property is located along a 50km long, north-northwest trending axis featuring several high-grade gold occurrences, chief among them being the producing Valley of the Kings mine owned by Newmont. Other high-grade deposits along this trend include the formerly producing Premier mine, as well as smaller occurrences such as Scottie Gold mine and East Gold (now known as the “Electrum”). Mine.
The Harry property covers numerous, red-weathering zones of alteration lying east of the Salmon Glacier. In 2020, prospecting on one of these gossanous areas, recently exposed by glacial retreat, uncovered a high-grade showing, the “Milestone”, which ran 7.6 oz/ton gold over 2.0m. Recent drilling by new optionee, Blackwolf Copper and Gold, came up with two very high-grade intercepts of
The Harry property was optioned to Optimum Ventures in September of 2021. Terms allow Optimum to earn up to an 80% interest by carrying out $9 million of work over five years. Optimum must also pay Teuton $1.5 million in cash and issue 4,000,000 shares to Teuton over the option period. Teuton retains a 2.0% Net Smelter Royalty and a 20% interest after the option is exercised. Down payment is $50,000 and 200,000 shares. In 2023 Optimum Ventures was taken over by Blackwolf Copper and Gold (“BWCG”), one share of Optimum given for 0.65 share of BWCG.
In 2021, Optimum discovered massive sulfide float boulders in the vicinity of a new zone called the “Swann”; 22 grab samples taken from these boulders averaged 74.22 g/t Au, 842.9 g/t Ag, 37.6 % Pb, 1.18% Cu and 28.9 % Zn . Two short holes drilled into the Swann returned highly encouraging values: Hole S21-3 intersected 15.64m grading 1,437 g/t Silver Equivalent (433.4 g/t Ag, 3.10 g/t Au, plus significant base metal credits; Hole S21-4 intersected 9.26m grading 1,833 g/t Silver Equivalent (690.15 g/t Ag, 1.64 g/t Au plus significant base metal credits, cf. table below for details).
A 2023 drill program was carried out by Black Wolf Copper. Based on visual results, portions of Hole 23-017 were sent in for rush assay and returned two high-grade intervals: 312 grams per tonne (“g/t”) gold and 101 g/t silver over 1.0 meter (“m”), and 291 g/t of gold with 118 g/t Silver over 1.0m. These two intervals occur within a wide zone of multiple, overlapping phases of sulphide mineralization and quartz veins. The high-grade gold occurs within coarse gold veins similar to those at Newmont Mining’s Valley of the Kings Mine, north of the Harry Property. The Harry Property is strategically situated in the Golden Triangle northwest of Stewart BC and has road access located between the previously producing Scottie Gold Mine and the historically significant Premier Gold Project. Further assay results from this hole, as well as the remaining 6 holes in the program, are still pending [see News Release dated October 31, 2023].
43-101 Report
Alozy Walus, M. Sc., P. Geo., has written a 43-101 report on the Harry property which is filed on Sedar under Optimum Ventures. He identifies a 15 km long prospective corridor which “hosts a number of gold-silver deposits”. Mr. Walus concludes : The Harry property has excellent potential for the discovery of high-grade gold-silver mineralization as well as large-scale low-grade gold-silver zones similar to those located within the mineralized corridor described above.”