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The Ram property, jointly owned by Teuton and Silver Grail Resources, is located about 18km south-southeast of Stewart, BC, adjoining the Red Mountain gold property. Red Mountain has a Measured and Indicated resource of 1,271 tonnes grading 7.63 g/t gold and 21.02 g/t silver (782,600 total ounces of gold and 2,155,800 total ounces of silver). It is permitted provincially and federally. Owner Ascot Resources plans to put it into production after achieving profitability at the Premier mine, its main project. Ascot Resources poured its first gold bar at the Premier mine north of Stewart, BC, in April of 2024. An old road leads up Bitter Creek from Hwy 37A for 13 km; another 7 km of road is necessary to connect it to Red Mountain.

Although the Ram has been owned by Teuton and Silver Grail for more than 30 years, it has received little attention. This year, 2024, a prospecting crew flew into the property to examine areas of ablation (glacial meltback). The crew immediately noticed that large, virgin areas had been exposed by retreat of ice and snowfields.

In the northern portion of the property, south-southwest of Red Mountain, a 400m long outcrop of porphyritic rock was discovered containing large sections with malachite staining (green copper carbonate formed from surface weathering of copper sulfides). Numerous grab samples and sawcuts taken from this body have shown chalcopyrite accompanied by pyrite, magnetite, K-feldspar, and occasionally, a bismuth mineral (the latter identified by XRF)l. The samples will soon be sent for assay before the end of the 2024 program. The composition of the porphyry intrusive suggests similarity to a suite of Goldslide Intrusions discovered to the north at the Red Mountain property; more work is required to determine if the comparison is valid.

A second large zone, the Mitch Zone, has been discovered southwest of the Malachite Porphyry, and features en echelon stringers of massive, coarse to medium-grained pyrite mineralization verging from a few millimeters to 2-4 cm in size. In one area the stringers carry massive chalcopyrite to a maximum thickness of 5 centimeters. Many grab samples and sawcuts have also been taken in this area, and these will also be sent for assay. At Red Mountain, massive, coarse pyrite veins and veinlets can carry appreciable gold values, and it is hoped that the same conditions will apply at the Ram property adjoining to the south (Note: mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby properties such as the Red Mountain property is not necessarily indicative of the presence of similar mineralization on the Ram property.)

The Mitch zone lies within a discrete magnetic anomaly which runs north-south, the same strike as the mineralization. This linear mag anomaly, is on the eastern edge of an oval-shaped total mag anomaly with a length of about 1km on its long, NNW-SSE axis. The shape and size of this oval-shaped magnetic anomaly is characteristic of that around a porphyry copper deposit but is not a definite sign that such a body exists. This geophysical information comes from an airborne VTEM survey flown by Teuton and Silver Grail in 2006.

The new finds at the Ram property are considered highly prospective for discovery of a porphyry copper-gold deposit, such as has been found elsewhere within the Golden Triangle. Much more work is needed to validate this assertion. Teuton and Silver Grail are contemplating expanded sampling and geological mapping, to be followed by an Induced Polarization survey. Targets identified by this work would then be followed up by diamond drilling.

Pictures, figures, maps and videos related to the new Ram discoveries can be found at

Property Location Map