Tuck zone core photos now available

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The High property controls the southward extension of the same geology and fault structures related to the many mineral deposits on the KSM and Snowfield-Brucejack properties of Seabridge Gold and Pretium Resources adjoining to the north (see map).

Plans for 2014 Exploration

Plans for 2014 call for extensive reconnaissance surveys to be followed by drilling of favourable targets.  This work is contingent upon obtaining necessary government approvals and financing. The prime target for 2014 drilling will be the newly discovered Tuck zone. Click here to visit the Tuck zone photos page.

Exploration will continue in the area of the King Tut showing (where a hole in 2012 returned a 222 metre (728 feet) long intersection grading 0.88 g/t gold.  Surface sampling in the same area disclosed some new occurrences including one with values of up to 1.835 oz/ton gold (see Mineralization section below for more detail).  Just south of the King Tut a series of extensive gossans will also be prospected.  One of these lies a few hundred metres from an area of very anomalous copper surface values discovered on Seabridge ground in the 1980’s.

All zones of gossanous rock located on both sides of the southward extension of the Sulphurets Fault are also to be investigated.  A cluster of these occurrences lies along the highly altered Orion nunatak completely controlled by Teuton claims.  Past work has identified high-grade gold values in one part of this nunatak (Cat-in-the-Hat showing).

To the east, in the area of the High South target, further work is planned on an area where chalcopyrite mineralization was found in 2011.  Prospecting in this area uncovered gold values ranging from 0.74 to 47.8 g/t gold.  The area was not drilled due to an overhanging glacier which may now have receded enough to carry on additional work.

Area Map

Tuck Zone Photos

Tuck zone core photos now available

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Regional Deposits

The Valley of the Kings deposit, presently the largest high-grade gold deposit in the world, lies just a few kilometers north of the common border between the High and Pretium’s property.  It is still being drilled off and presently has a measured and indicated resource of 15.3 million tons grading 17.6 g/t gold.

Two world-class gold and gold-copper deposits, as well as a string of subsidiary deposits, have been found on both the KSM and Snowfield-Brucejack properties.  On the KSM property, the Deep Kerr, drilled off in the past two years and still with ample room to grow, has an inferred resource of 515 million tonnes grading 0.36 g/t gold and 0.53% copper.  The Mitchell is a giant deposit with proven reserves of 473 million tons grading 0.67 g/t gold and 0.17% copper, and probable reserves of 935 million tons grading 0.57 g/t gold and 0.16% copper.   On the Pretium property adjoining to the east, the Snowfield zone, thought to be the faulted-off upper portion of the Mitchell deposit, presently has a measured and indicated resource of 25.9 million ounces of gold and 2.6 billion pounds of copper (1,270 million tonnes grading 0.59 g/t gold and 0.10% copper).


In 2013 the BC Geological Survey carried out investigations in the region of the High property, culminating in Paper 2014-1, pp 111-140, by J. Nelson and J. Kyba, entitled “Structural and stratigraphic control of porphyry and related mineralization in the Treaty Glacier – KSM – Brucejack – Stewart trend of western Stikinia”.   This work focused on the McTagg anticlinorium and its relation to the many deposits which are presently being developed in the area.  All five of the deposits on Seabridge Gold’s KSM property—the Iron Cap, Mitchell, Sulphurets, Kerr and Deep Kerr—are thought to be related to the Sulphurets thrust fault, a major structural feature traversing the KSM property.  Notably, the BC Geological Survey has now extended this fault southward about 8 km into Teuton ground (see map). This highly prospective feature will be one of the principal focuses of the 2014 reconnaissance work.

Nelson and Kyba state that: “The Treaty Glacier-KSM-Brucejack-Stewart trend is one of the most productive and promising in northwestern British Columbia”.


Teuton has done only minor work to date on its very extensive High property.  A one-hole drilling program undertaken in 2012 on the newly discovered King Tut zone located just south of the Pretium-Teuton border resulted in an intersection running 222m of 0.88 g/t gold.  This intersection compares well with the average intersections obtained in the first ten holes drilled by Pretium into their Bridge deposit, located less than 2km to the north.

Surface sampling of a stockwork zone discovered in the vicinity of the King Tut in 2013 returned promising gold values  as reported below:

Sample Name Lead (Pb)% Zinc (Zn)% Silver (Ag)g/t Gold  (Au)g/t Gold (Au)oz/ton
UH-1 1.06 3.90 54.1 21.8 0.636
UH-2 1.14 6.50 54.8 15.5 0.452
UH-3 0.32 2.00 26.4 20.4 0.595
UH-4 2.42 3.80 86.0 21.5 0.627
UH-5 1.59 3.70 75.0 62.9 1.835
UH-6 1.06 5.90 46.1 13.5 0.394
UH-7 0.54 1.40 18.2 4.80 0.140
UH-8 0.31 2.80 23.1 15.6 0.455
UH-9 1.68 5.30 72.0 16.7 0.487
UH-10 0.45 4.80 26.1 10.5 0.306

Numerous gossanous zones lying just to the southwest of the King Tut (on Teuton ground) remain to be properly investigated.

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Property News

High Property Drill Results

November 8, 2013, Vancouver, BC: Teuton Resources Corp. (“Teuton”) (“TUO”-TSX-V) (“TFE”-Frankfurt)  (“TEUTF”—OTCBB) announces receipt of drilling results for the 2013 program on its High property, located 60km north of Stewart, in the Golden Triangle region of northwestern British Columbia. Five, shallow holes were drilled during the summer program testing the...

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Prospecting Uncovers High-Grade Gold at King Tut Zone, High Property

September 17, 2013, Vancouver, BC: Teuton Resources Corp. (“Teuton”) (“TUO”-TSX-V) (“TFE”-Frankfurt) (“TEUTF”—OTC BB) announces that prospecting at its High property has located high-grade gold in the King Tut zone.  Reconnaissance samples taken by Company personnel, including samples taken by a mountaineer using ropes, have uncovered several new areas of interest. ...

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Drill Program Under Way at High Property

August 22, 2013, Vancouver, BC: Teuton Resources Corp. (“Teuton”) (“TUO”-TSX-V) (“TFE”-Frankfurt)  (“TEUTF”—OTCBB) is pleased to announce that a diamond drill program is underway on its High property, located 60km north of Stewart, in the Golden Triangle region of northwestern British Columbia. The drilling program will concentrate on near surface mineralization...

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